Traveling the Modern Times

Monday, September 6, 2010

~Transformation Instigation~

Hello Body, Mind and SOul~

To being true and energtically balanced into the light of true consciousness I feel that deciding on a specific direction is my first and foremost focus. Take my food and Digest it thoroughly. Investigate, apprehend, and celebrate each nutrient, mineral and cellular mitochondriac burst of Ka*pow positive charge. I dedicate thoughts and intuitive research into bringing my truth more and more to reality- cell by cell.

How can I ingest, digest, and expand out into a more correct universal statement of my highest purpose? Hmm... Deep thoughts, big moments colliding in one breathe and out another. Energy revolves 23 degrees on the continuosly rotating image I hold of self. This grounded spirit is often aloof into the wind of thought. Breeding ideas and harvesting enlightenment like corn on the Midwest dinner table. Fast, absorb this all. I know, Iknow, I need to slow down... Step 1. Take a deep breathe. 2. Into the Now of my moment 3. Concsiously create the moment and space in time, feel the energy of the environment in all it's highest sense, embrace the changes as they move around me, embrace the peace.. 4. Breathe again, deeply from the bottom to the top of my head. Imagine I am breathing in the entire universe and exhaling the entire universe. 5.Ponder the purpose that the entire universe would find in the morsel in front of me. 6. Laugh if I want to. 7. Eat already!! Haha, just kidding~ I will slowly and with great joy feel the MMMmmmMMmmMmm of my body as I chew into the bliss and strength of this tasty presence in my life.

Ok, just a few ideas to spread like peanut butter across this page and envision. Imagine and believe and visualize these great changes piece by piece. See every move that leads to my success. Done and Done~

1 comment:

  1. The idea of your blog is unique and your audience is growing steadily! keep going.
