Traveling the Modern Times

Friday, July 2, 2010

Food Inc.

As I watched the movie on my laptop screen the chills down my body began to only getting more and more shocking. My stomach turned, my heart leapt from my chest and a painful rip tore through my soul. How has this become our world? What kind of people can do such harmful, devasting actions? Where has this incredible greed found such a staple that it can make so much negative impact in such a beautiful world? I sit and feel the desire to cry but can only hold my breath and watch the images flash on the screen. It is as though I knew this all along but seeing it makes the reality only more true and visible.
To see the horrible treatment of living animals is one of the most heart wrenching parts of this reality. The chickens growth compared to that of the 1970s is unbelievable and the cows that cannot move and are literally shoved into a space for feeding is so morally wrong. I actually have driven past the cow fields in Texas that are so jam packed with cows that it seemed like corn growing in a field. To me this is a deeper drive to be the change and make that visible to those around me. The treatment of animals is a critical part of how our bodies react to the meat we eat. I went through a period of vegetarianism a few years back and when I went back to meat eating I had decided to only eat local meat or hunted meat from my father. Well, almost a year later I started to eat the convential meat and found a shocking surprise. When I ate a burger from a local burger spot I started to feel this intense fear and anxiety a few hours later. The energy transferred from the meat into me at such intense levels that I began to cry and I understood that what I was feeling was this ultimate fear and anxiety related to the walk to death this animal/animals had experienced. It was unreal and it reoccurred a few times after that.
I keep changing and growing into a more pure being as the months and weeks pass me by. I have been eating mostly organic and local for years now and have stopped drinking milk and eating dairy products for the most part. I do eat the organic cheeses and occasionally drink from the mass produced cow milk, but I feel like this has given me even more drive to stop even doing that, the milk part anyways since I like cheese so much. I also feel a need to stop giving my dollar to the corporations who are using it against me and my people. My dollar is my vote, it is my statement and my impact. To take that and put it into the hands of someone or a group who is working to promote the earth and return the human body to health seems much more sensible.
The most sickening part of this movie is the political gain of the corruption that is happening to our food cycle. The Future of Food and Food Inc both lay a pretty good view of what companies have been having the biggest impacts on who is getting elected. It is such a wake-up call to realize that our politicians our sleeping in the same beds and working for the companies that are leading to such a devastating end for this planet. I am sad and empowered and eager to continue making the changes and sharing my light with others. I know the movies I am sending to my friends from here on. I just pray for this World and keep my eyes to the sky.

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