Traveling the Modern Times

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Role of Fiber

Fiber holds a lot of meaning for a lot of people. Though it is hard to say sometimes exactly why. I began my understanding of fiber a year or so ago when I was starting to have difficulties with my digestion and then I did a 28 day cleanse that was based around psyllium husk powder. It got me thinking about what role this seemingly light substance has with my body. I noticed the bulking in water right away. This is one purpose that soluble fiber plays in your diet. It has the great ability to bulk up by gathering in the water and create a full feeling in your body, thereby decreasing hunger and helping those who have weight problems or are struggling in their diets. This bulking helps to decrease blood cholesterol levels and also creates less stress for your intestines and the bowel system. It also lowers the amount of toxins that can be absorbed by the body.
Fiber may also fight high blood pressure. The studies that were done showed that over 8 weeks the blood pressure had dropped, although they recommended getting the source of fiber from fruits and vegetables would be a much more efficient way to lower the blood pressure.

Fiber has also been found to help people who have diabetes by supplying carbs without the added sugar if eating fresh fruits. This would be good for allowing variety in the diets of diabetics and giving them a sense of satisfactory choices. Well, we could eat more fruits and vegetables as prevention as well.

So that is a good few ideas of why to add fiber to your diet. Take into mind that fresh fruits and vegetables provide one source of fiber, whereas grains will give you another source. It is good to know what you are taking in, whether it is soluble or insoluble as it will have different effects o, your body. Food Sources of Insoluble Fiber are vegetables such as green beans and meat products, wheat bran, corn bran and seeds & nuts. Soluble Fiber sources are dried beans and peas, nuts, barley. flax seed, fruits such as oranges and apples, vegetables such as carrots, psyllium husk.

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