Traveling the Modern Times

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11th, 2010

So the days are moving fast and my mind is having a blast working through the paradigm shifts as I read the homework and take insight into what my world around me is creating for me and also what I internally allow to become my body. I feel more aware of the choices I am making and enjoy the tests I seem to be putting myself up to. For instance, I see reese's pieces and I think 'yum, I could definitely have those for a quarter'. Then my thought process begins to flow through ideas of what healthy options for a treat I could have and then I begin to wonder if I truly need a treat and then I realize, wallah, I am not hungry at all and it was simply some message of comfort I have been familiarizing myself with.

What changes do I want to see come from this journey and this experience of nutrition? Maybe I just want to feel the satisfaction of being able to look someone in the eyes and see what they need to feel more connected to the spirit they crave. Maybe I want to be more connected to that spirit as well... Who is to say what is to come for sure but I am looking up and reaching for a few definite goals. From here it only goes up...

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