Traveling the Modern Times

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Healthy Sauteed Cabbage and Zucchini

So I love my assignments! Absolutely the happiest when I sit down to eat these amazing meals. I have had red cabbage many times before but have always cooked it in oil and usually for atleast 20 to 30 minutes. The healthy sautee version is soo good! And I threw the zucchini in after 2 minutes so I could cook them both at once and it tasted really flavorful and the flavors of the two vegetables really seemed to mesh well with each other. Not as much of a firework session as my new all time fave Kale but I do notice the change that letting the vegetables sit for 10 minutes with lemon juice on them creates. It is like you can watch the nutrients become more present as it goes from raw, to 10 minutes sitting to steamed or sauteed. And the zucchini is neat because it only take s3 minutes, no sitting required! I am anxious to get to the next dish on the list and believe me you will hear about it!

The things I am learning are the value of having the enzymes released and the nutrient walls broke down a little so that you can digest it easier. And from the dishees i have done so far I can definitely lay claim to the healthier feeling afterwrds and the way my body seems to truly lift off. I am so greatful and honored to be given this great info and having it become such an integral part of my life. Thank you SWIHA!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Broiled Salmon with Leeks and Broccoli

So last night I decided to try the broiled salmon. I heated the pan up in the broiler for 10 minutes. I also had cut the leeks and broccoli and let them sit for 10 minutes while the pan was heating up, mixing the broccoli with lemon juice to help in the breakdown of the vital enzymes. I steamed the broccoli, healthy sauteed the leeks and broiled the salmon. All got mixed with lemon juice, olive oil, garlic and pepper. And it was all very good! I realized in order to get the leeks to turn out correctly they have to be pretty thinly sliced. Other than that I loved it and can't wait til tonight and another new dish!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kale and Collards and Eggplant Oh MY!!

I am writing you this from a true state of bliss. So I want to start at the beginning of the journey, HyVee in Sioux Falls, SD. I walked in intent on buying some great organic produce and thoroughly enjoyed squeezing and eyeing many different options as I picked up my fruit, zucchini, eggplant, kale, collards, gr onions and a mixture of peppers. I felt fantastic when I got home. Although, to tell you the truth I LOVE vegetables and actually miss the wide selection I used to have in Minneapolis. So fairly stated I am a crazed vegetable lover and usually am ecstatic to come home with a pile of fresh organic goodness. But, this time was different and I could feel it. There was a buzz to the air, a sweet hum to the way my body slid through the particles of air around me. Even my cells were on high alert as I scanned the table of vibrant greens, purple, yellow, red and blue.

I enjoyed fruit and yogurt for breakfast, right after my Healthiest Lifestyle tea, and did feel good, but I knew more was to come. So I continued with good breakfasts but honestly don't eat supper very often so I could only daydream about my zucchini and kale for a couple of days. Which is of course an usual altered state of consciousness that I enjoy slipping into from time to time. But I knew that the night would come when I could finally open the World's Healthiest Foods and try out my new found knowledge of cooking. And then it happened, I was hungry and it was supper time! Alright!

So I grabbed the book, opened it to the kale page and followed the instructions I found there. I began by cutting the kale and letting it sit, with a little lemon juice mixed in, for almost 10 minutes. This is the first thing you want to do because the enzymes in kale are released when you cut the tough membrane around the stem and they begin to breakdown the harder, more fibrous fabric of the kale leaf. After that I cut the garlic and also let that sit for 5 minutes to begin the enzyme breakdown and release the powerful antioxidants held there. Next I put the steamer water on high and waited for the water to boil while gathering my lemon juice, olive oil, fresh pepper, and the bowl to put them in. Well, the water boiled, the kale went in for 5 minutes and then wallah!.. There it was, in the bowl, fresh steamed kale with the garlic and the other ingredients mixed in. And I can not describe that first bite as anything but absolutely mind blowing! It was incredible.. and I mean WOW! I could barely keep the fireworks inside my mouth to let go of the kale so my stomach could try it out. Ok, just kidding but it was seriously that good!

And then tonight I decided to try cooking chinese eggplant and you could've geussed how good it was! It again, blew my mind! I sliced into half inch thick slices and added to a fry pan of 3 tablespoons vegetable broth, steamed it with the lid on for four minutes, and then added 3 more tablespoons of broth and sauted the eggplant for another 3 minutes. I also sauted red peppers in the pan with the eggplant the whole process too. I had a 'What About Bob' "Mmm,MMm, MMM!" moment while eating this! Though I can give you some hints, such as, keep the eggplant in the broth while you cook it and also make the slices a little shy of 1/2 inch to really get the delicious 'meaty' flavor that totally rocks the table! OK, so my incredible adventure with food is over for now, but believe me... There will be more!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

ಸಿಂಪ್ಲಿ ಬಿ ಸಿಂಪ್ಲಿ

♫♪~ Life beomes me, nutrient rich abounding love evolves and rays abound like the sun into strands of wispy red blowing in the wind and leaving traces of soul to gather the masses beyond self. I wake into the mystical ether and repeat the ancient technique of wise elders by walking out of this body and into the auric field of thought we as a collective conscious create and embody. I stretch the length of the single beam of light, and then encompass and circumvent into the center of the spectrum as the colors mix and raise into a rainbow. The message is pure, the idea obscene... Simply entertain the joy and smile into your breathing soul. Wake into the dream, leave the idealogy of sleep, for we may never truly sleep but rest from one dimension into another. And I wake, but yet, have I been awake all this time yet simply dreaming I was not? Well, nonetheless we wake, though do we sleep is still a question at hand. And I wake to bright smiling Grr baby Grr love... Yes love, my love, your love, all this amazing resonating bliss, I wake to this!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

ಲೈಫ್ ಇಸ್ Bliss

I look at the time pass and ponder my existence. Perhaps my pondering will become more clear and focused as I awaken into a pure state of health and enlighten the mind this body inhabits.

अ पिक्चर ऑफ़ हेअलथ

Okay, so here it is. An image of my diet. I love and find great satisfaction with many varied vegetables in my diet. I would say that vegetables are my staple. I did forget to put my whole wheat, high-fructose free grain bread and peanut butter and jelly in there. Those along with pasta, I prefer rice pasta but do occasionally eat wheat or regular plain old egg noodles. I stir fry a lot and I also like to do baked dishes. That being said you could also insert olive oil and lots of spices into my diet. I drink a lot of water and I like to make my own teas from dried herbs and essential oils. Oh, also honey.. Honey oh yes!! I am a big fan of honey, local honey to be specific. I guess that is the overview, lots of veggies, some grains and breads, I don't eat a lot of beans, but I do like tortillas and salsa, and fruit, lots of fruit makes me feel just amazing!

When I think about the parts of my diet that I would like to change I think about the amount of peanut butter I eat somedays.. today included. And I have a weak spot for Reese's pieces out of the quarter machines. They just get me every once in awhile. I am not much of a caffiene or alcohol drinker but I do occasionaly like to have a little of both. Sweets used to have a big hold on my life and I feel happy to say I have cut a lot of that out of my diet. I enjoy a little chocolate occasionaly and sometimes I will go for that absolutely outrageous piece of chocolate cake or 7-layer bar! As long as my body is MMMmm Mmm Mmmm~ing then I think all is well!

I look forward to keeping an eye on my diet as the weeks pass and I also can't wait to see the end result and how the way I view food has changed. Here's to us and our accomplishments!

Jessie Mae

June 13th, 2010

Noticing the way I observe my environment is becoming a new vision. I see the energetic patterns of those around me and contemplate the effect the actions and words have on me. I feel like the changes I feel the desire to make in my life will be easier and easier to make if I continue to be in this state of awareness. I realize that part of what causes me to make poor decisions is self consciousness and that adjusting my consciousness of who I am will help me to succeed. I raise my eyes to see the sun and breathe. Inhale love, exhale love, I am love and light is my being. I look to the ground and see the fruit of life fill my eyes before me. I reach for this, grab it and feel the joy and respect that went into the growth becoming part of me. As I bring this to my lips I also quench my thirst for something more. And my body rejoices. My mind is set free as what I intake becomes a part of me. This is rebirth of self, every time I eat, every time I drink I am given the option to grow and be born again cell by cell. The essence of peace revolves around my body and slowly begins to tunnel into my spirit and excavate any negatives. The miner of angelic sense expands. The sweet sound of etheric music and righteous waves of exaltation become me. This is my nutrition, this is my heartbeat and soul. Here in and there beyond I crave and demand beauty, I treasure the presence of purity.

And then I ponder the idea of death becoming sustainance for life. Death, painless perhaps, quick and with respect and love, is still death. Where do I stand and how have I found this foundation underneath me to purge through me and become my actions, thoughts, and words? How DO I feel about this? And this is were I leave off for now... Lots to ponder and take in... Until next time~

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11th, 2010

So the days are moving fast and my mind is having a blast working through the paradigm shifts as I read the homework and take insight into what my world around me is creating for me and also what I internally allow to become my body. I feel more aware of the choices I am making and enjoy the tests I seem to be putting myself up to. For instance, I see reese's pieces and I think 'yum, I could definitely have those for a quarter'. Then my thought process begins to flow through ideas of what healthy options for a treat I could have and then I begin to wonder if I truly need a treat and then I realize, wallah, I am not hungry at all and it was simply some message of comfort I have been familiarizing myself with.

What changes do I want to see come from this journey and this experience of nutrition? Maybe I just want to feel the satisfaction of being able to look someone in the eyes and see what they need to feel more connected to the spirit they crave. Maybe I want to be more connected to that spirit as well... Who is to say what is to come for sure but I am looking up and reaching for a few definite goals. From here it only goes up...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

As I Step Into The Rabbit Hole~♫

So it begins and yet has it not been running and turning since before the dawn of time. I am expanding my consciousness into the sub- and un- conscious levels in the pursuit of enlightenment. It sometimes feels as though I am racing through a tunnel of learned behaviors seeking the end and the soul vision that awaits there. And as I pursue I am deeper connected to something infinitely beyond myself as I sit here and now. This pulsing body of H2O, of blood and cells and nutrients and light. And perhaps my understanding of the greater source, God, if you will, is what has driven me to be as pure an instrument of light as I can possibly achieve in this living breathing physical self.
And so again I state, here I am at the beginning. I am leaping into the tornado of sight now known as Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. I am diving towards the image I see at the end, through the funnel and distortion I find clarity in the healer that I am. And with the Mind Body Wellness Program that image will only become stronger and more visible outwardly.
Nutrition is soul. A soul is fed by the environment around me in more than just a few ways. I look forward to discovering the consistenties of health and how they apply to my lifestyle and in doing so becoming a much more light instrument. Mind the pun on light. For truly I walk forward strong and sure of my path and with determination I will succeed easily. Aahhh, and in the end don't forget the breath. So with one deep inhale and a long exhale, I close the page and step forward for my calling is loud and I will not turn away.